Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fit for the Kingdom

I decided to visit the website . I had heard of this website before in my classes but I never actually visited the website myself. I really enjoyed the site and the films on it. I didn’t watch all of the films, but the ones that I did view I really enjoyed. They all seemed to have a really good message in them. They aren’t necessarily the most glamorous films I’ve seen, but these short docs were nice feel, good films that we can all learn from.

As far as the website itself, there was one feature that I really appreciated. When you click on a film you can click on a link for “More information” and they tell you a little about the film or the people in it. So that I really liked. The site was easy to navigate and pleasant to look at.

What I liked about the work was its honesty. The film titled “Scriptures” is a honest look at how scripture study goes in a regular LDS family. And it wasn’t offensive at all, meaning it didn’t take a sacred topic too lightly. But instead it taught that even though things don’t go smoothly, you are still teaching your kids correct concepts, they are still learning something. That is a nice message that I think a lot of LDS people need to hear. What I didn’t really like about the work was the fact that I didn’t see a lot of variety. I know that I didn’t watch all of the films, but they all seemed to be the same concept; a person’s story that teaches you something through a nice message. I realize that that is the purpose of the sight so I didn’t mind it too much.

I don’t know how “useful” this website and its contents are for me. It’s a nice place to come to when I need a pick me up or if I need to feel better about myself by watching other peoples, non-generic LDS, stories. But aside from that I don’t see a whole lot of use for it. But it is a nice idea and I do think highly of the fact that there are people out there devoted to making and sharing these kinds of films.

I don’t know if there is anything that I would do differently. I do really like what I saw. I think its great to see happy, spiritual people through something other than the cookie cutter, Sunday school answer view. It’s inspiring I think. More people should know about this website.

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